EXTURN the manoeuvring system of the 21st century is already available on the market since 2007 and appeals quite well. Also originally inspired tunnel thruster owner waved around to the innovative system and didn’t regret it until yet – quite the contrary. The novel concept is convincing with the closed design and the much higher efficiency. Even experienced racing sailors who considered the innovation critically couldn’t find shady sides even after many test-drives. They just were exalted.
EXTURN – Innovation which convinces with sovereignty and develops confidence
Whether used as a bow or as a stern thruster, regardless of whether on power boats or on sailing boats, as experience has shown, there are nearly no restrictions with EXTURN. Even if one or the other looked at the system a little bit distanced based on the experience and the demonstrable success the last little doubt could be eliminated. Many enthusiastic EXTURN owner described to us their benefit the have made through the novel manoeuvring system.
R. HOFFMANN – Bavaria 34 self-construction – EXTURN 180 – bow thruster – Neusiedlersee Austria
„My Bavaria brand self-construction (hull: Bavaria 34, deck: Bavaria 32 Holiday) has since the summer 2009 an EXTURN bow thruster. The mounting of the bow thruster and the installation of the remote control was done in such a very short time, so that my sailing friends were surprised to watch me back on water already two hours later with my full installed bow thruster.
Now I can pass the long harbour road without having any difficulty. I really can enjoy the passing through with fully peace and tranquillity thanks EXTURN. Even my wife is very excited, because the remote control makes it possible to manoeuvre at any position on board which is very often a real huge benefit.“
„With strong winds of 4-5 Beaufort it wasn’t possible to measure any loos of speed even by log which is quite important for me as an amateur racing sailor.”
R. HATZ – Galeon 330 Fly – EXTURN 180 – stern thruster – Spittal an der Drau Austria
„On the boat fair in Tulln 2009, when passing by the MARINNO stand I had first seen the new kind of stern thruster: EXTURN. While reading a magazine a short time later, I was indicated once again and felt the decision to order EXTURN 180. My Galeon 330 Fly is skippering on the Donau, so the very easy mounting below the swim platform was realized by the company Boote-Meyer in Aggsbach. “
„I never pull in or out in the ports, when the wind was heavy, because some ports of the Donau are simply too narrow but everything changes with EXTURN. At the first move out after the installation I had the perfect opportunity to test my new stern thruster with the remote control and I was really glad to have EXTURN installed. It definitely brings comfort and security for every hobby captain and the best it doesn’t cause any noise emission. Therefore I can recommend EXTURN as a stern thruster to every boat owner. “
DR. H. STARK – Hanse 430 – EXTURN 300 – bow thruster – Lignano, Italia
„Even since a longer time I nourished the wish to have a bow thruster for my HANSE 430. After some market researches my decision felt on EXTURN. The reasons for me were absolutely clear: easy installation, strong performance and minimal noise emission.
Also it was no questioning for me to weak the hull of my boat with big scoops, so the one and only possibility for me was EXTURN. The trouble-free mounting was done in the Marina Sabbiadoro in Lignano, and immediately drew up the attention of many people around. For the first time in water, it was very hard for me to leave my hands off the control gear, because the EXTURN functionality was so excited for me.”
„I can - without hesitation - recommend EXTRUN to anybody who is interested in a manoeuvring system. In any case also in my Marina there are scores of enthusiastically interested parties. “
For more information, visit www.marinno.com