The boot Düsseldorf crew headed by Petros Michelidakis is back in action nine months before the trade fair begins on 19. January 2019 and is ready to process registrations by exhibitors. The registration tools at have now been activated not only for exhibitors who were already involved in 2018 but also for new exhibitors. However, since the halls will fill up pretty quickly, the boot Director encourages all potential exhibitors to register for the forthcoming trade fair till 30 June 2018. Michelidakis explains: “Everyone who is keen to secure a specific location and stand size should contact us soon”.
In the team, Arne von Heimendahl is responsible for sailboats, motorboats and superyachts, Viktoria Marx covers recreational diving, canoeing and popular new sports as well as water tourism, Lena Beckmann is the contact for all companies supplying water sports equipment and accessories and Caroline Mühl is co-ordinating the Galeria art exhibition and underwater photography participants. They are available to answer any questions about stand reservation and location.
With its motto “Experience 360° watersports”, boot Düsseldorf reflects the entire market in January every year. The boot Director reveals: “All the prominent industry players have already indicated that they will be exhibiting again and we are looking forward to a tremendous birthday party between 19. and 27. January 2019”. The biggest water sports trade fair in the world has been based in Düsseldorf since 1969 and has developed in spectacular fashion since then at its location next to the longest river in Germany – the Rhine. At the anniversary event, Messe Düsseldorf is expecting not only a full house in 16 exhibition halls and 19 special presentations about every aspect of water sports but also visits by a wide range of leading athletes and ocean activists. Because boot is not just an international business platform; it also co-operates with the German Ocean Foundation and the Prince Albert II Foundation from Monaco to promote active ocean and water protection. The ocean tribute Award is, for example, being presented for outstanding environmental projects for the second time in the coming year.
“boot 2019 will be taking place in a strong economic environment, which is having a very positive impact on order intake at the shipyards”, is how Michelidakis summarises the situation in the international boat building industry, adding by way of explanation: “Commissions to build new boats and refit existing ones are guaranteeing manufacturers good capacity utilisation levels and I am expecting very interesting boot premieres at our event in Düsseldorf. boot is also the platform and meeting point for all exhibitors in the industry and we are looking forward to welcoming them in our halls.”
boot Düsseldorf online:
boot enthusiasts who want to be kept informed at all times about the latest developments at boot and relevant news are advised to keep an eye on the trade fair Facebook account ( The YouTube Channel “bootDaily” shows the most impressive moments at the last boot and provides an opportunity to look back on the nine fabulous days of the trade fair. The water sports community can keep up to date about everything that is going on live at too. More than 110,000 people are already sharing their enjoyment of sports in on and by the water here. All members receive exclusive special offers or can participate in attractive competitions via the newsletter. During the trade fair, the club community can buy admission tickets for lower prices in the online shop and enjoy free access to the lounge, where advantage can be taken of the free WLAN. All the details about this can be found at And last but not least: is the biggest water sports portal in the Internet, which really does provide all the information there is to know about boot.
boot in figures:
There were 1,923 exhibitors from 68 different countries in 2018. boot takes up 220,000 square metres in 16 halls. 247,000 visitors came to Düsseldorf from 102 countries. More than 2,000 journalists reported live from the biggest water sports trade fair in the world. 110,000 people experienced “THE WAVE” and 1,500 of them dared to surf the 1.50 m high and 9 m wide standing wave themselves.