A look behind the scenes - An Interview with Thore Hansen about the boot Sailing Centre
Who is actually in charge of all the planning and organization that has to be done to bring all those famous sailors onto the stage at the boot Düsseldorf and make them talk about their inspiring adventures? Who invites and attends to all those experts who share the knowledge about boats and sailing at the boot Sailing Centre? And who takes care of the boot Sailing School that offers first sailing experience to countless kids visiting the boot Düsseldorf? In our "Behind the Scenes" interview with Thore Hansen you will find answers to all these questions:
Who are you and what are you doing at the boot?
My name is Thore Hansen and I'm the managing director at Point of Sailing. For more than 20 years, boot Düsseldorf has been a partner of the world's largest sailing event, the Kieler Woche. 10 years ago, from this relationship, the idea originated to develop the Sailing Center together with the sailing newspaper. From then on, Point of Sailing has been responsible for the stage at the Sailing Center and, for two years, additions were made including the boot Sailing School with a big pool in hall 14 and the Multihull Forum in hall 15.
What is special about this Sailing Center and the Multihull Forum for you?
Due to the combination of both of these infotainment stages, all the facets of sailing are represented. boot Düsseldorf visitors can gather information concerning their sport in a perfect manner during the nine days of the trade fair. Everything is represented from Bluewater cruising to information and tips for charter sailors all the way to the renowned and top class regatta sailors who give their expert advice here. Thereby, for example, James Spithill had already been on the Sailing Center stage before winning the last America's Cup. Current world and European champions can also be questioned within the scope of the Multihull Forum and you can gather all the initial information needed for sailing catamarans – this means that there is something for beginners and professionals alike. What delights me the most is the fact that we have had the possibility for two years to bring directly to the water those whose interest for our sport grew at the trade fair, including children, adolescents and adults. In hall 14, under perfect direction of the Sailing School’s trainers, you can execute the first tacking and jibbing manoeuvres of the season at Lake Unterbach. Already last year, we were able to inspire around 1,500 children, adolescents and adults.
What are the highlights of the Sailing Center in 2016? One part of the programme is already set, and we already have several real highlights including Boris Herrmann, DIGGER Hamburg, Leon Schulz, Norbert Sedlacek, Sönke Roever, Hinnerk Weiler and Emily Penn. Currently, Boris Herrmann is trying to break a record with the IDEC for travelling around the world in order to win the Jules Verne trophy, reducing the time for circumnavigating the world to under 45 days. Norbert is presenting his new project and Emily has been dealing with marine environmental protection matters for many years. A very eloquent young woman indeed!
Thore Hansen, Geschäftsführer bei Point of Sailing, im Interview
What was your absolute highlight throughout the past years? This was when Jessica Watson stood on the stage as the youngest woman to have ever circumnavigated the globe and gave a report of her sailing journey. The Sailing Center was quite packed. And it is exactly that which we have observed for several years. People who circumnavigate the globe and combine this sailing journey with a unique characteristic (trying to break a record for example, note by the editor) are particularly the most fascinating. After these sailors have managed to do such achievement and even bring interesting and exciting pictures with them, everything tends to be just right most of the time. Pictures of dolphins, sandy beaches and palm trees enthrals Sailing Center visitors. And I think that many spectators would be fascinated to take a similar tour and drop out of their jobs for two to three years.
What was the most bizarre moment at the Sailing Center? Several years ago, we discovered Merle Ibach for the Sailing Center. I had seen a small report on the young female skipper in the BZ newspaper in Berlin, who took off to cross the Baltic Sea during her studies. Following this, I invited the young woman – she had never done something like that before – and, already in the run-up, there were simply very interesting and funny discussions with her. In any case, she had a very special and somewhat chaotic friendly air about her and this was reflected on stage. It was quite interesting that her first appearance was scarcely visited and then, after word went around about her cordiality and friendliness, soon her audience became bigger and bigger. Already at the boot, many asked about her and now, she has also published her book entitled “Ostseeprinzessin” (Baltic Sea Princess) (Delius Klasing Verlag - publishing house - ISBN: 978-3-7688-3400-1). Meeting her was especially exciting. I will definitely never forget that!