At best, the examination is carried out by a paediatrician trained in diving medicine or by a diving doctor who has experience with children. In principle, the examination procedure is the same as for adults, but focuses more on the overall developmental stage with an emphasis on psychological and intellectual aspects. It is essential to be able to filter out an authentic diving wish from the child, it must not give the impression that it is "pushed". If the child doesn't want it himself, there is no need to even begin the examination. According to a Belgian study of 234 diving children, 12.4 percent were considered completely unfit for serious health reasons. For this reason, a thorough medical examination is essential. Answering a medical questionnaire is definitely NOT enough! As long as the children grow, the examination should be repeated annually. What exactly needs to be examined? Of course the ear, nose and throat, the change of teeth, heart and lungs, the body heat balance and the skeletal apparatus. Equally important for children, however, is whether they have the necessary mental maturity, the ability to concentrate and psychological stability. And under no circumstances should the diving doctor forget the question: "Can you swim?"
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