“It’s a complete reduction to the essentials”, enthuses Patin sailor Andreas Bredendiek. “Just water, wind, you and the Patin. You can't find a purer form of sailing.”
The start of the sailing season was suddenly slowed down this year by Corona.
"Segelrebellen" as a non-profit organization wants to help people to gain new courage and strength after suffering from cancer through sailing trips. "F*UCK CANCER - GO SAILING"...
The summer holidays are here! Time to leave school behind and hop in a boat! Now is the best time for kids of all ages to discover their passion for sailing. And besides, they’ll be well looked after at the sailing school.14.07.2020
Christoph and Ellen-Maria Nelles are back in Cologne. Actually, the two round-the-world sailors wanted to be in the Caribbean with their catamaran “JOYA”. But because of Corona they had to change course back home.In 1969, the Offshore Racing Congress met to establish a uniform measurement system. The goal was to allow different yachts to sail against each other....
Das Liegen im Freien ist zwar weniger geschützt als innerhalb der Hafenmauern, aber dafür meist umso idyllischer.
Are you dreaming of the perfect holiday, surrounded by water, wind and sun? A chartered yacht is an excellent way to enjoy the sea and breathtaking coastal scenery from the water. Find out here what you need to consider when chartering a yacht and which licences you need.Skipper ohne gültiges Funkzeugnis, die eine mit einer funktechnischen Anlage ausgerüstete Yacht führen, verstoßen gegen die SportSeeSchV.
The sailing licenses of the DSV are not official driving licenses, but can still be useful to learn the basic concepts of sailing.