Initiative for a strong and sustainable diving industry
The boot dive award was launched at boot 2023. The aim is to recognize the international diving industry for special activities. Every year, five awards are presented in the categories Personality, Destination, Innovation, Product and Climate. At boot 2025, the boot dive award will receive friendly support from BAUER Kompressoren.
BAUER Kompressoren – main sponsor of the boot dive award 2025
The BAUER GROUP is represented internationally by 22 subsidiaries, over 350 sales partners and 600 service points. Since 1946, BAUER KOMPRESSOREN has made a name for itself worldwide as a compressed air company in compressor technology that stands for innovation and quality.
The winners of the dive award 2025 in the individual categories have been announced:
PERSONALITY Dr. Steffen G. Scholz
CLIMATE Better Oceans
INNOVATION The Avelo System
Congratualtions to all winners!
A renowned expert jury, consisting of the editors-in-chief of the diving media divemaster, PLONGEZ!, TAUCHEN,, VDSTsporttaucher and WETNOTES, will select three nominees per category from the applications. The winners of the boot dive award powered by BAUER Kompressoren will be determined by public voting and the final verdict of the expert jury and honored at boot Düsseldorf 2025 on Friday, January 24, 2025.
The five award categories are:
The category PERSONALITY is about people. Here, outstanding athletes, underwater and nature filmmakers or people from other fields are honored who have rendered outstanding public service to diving, the diving industry and the oceans.
Nuno Sá
Project: Award-winning underwater cameraman, specialized on big animals
Nuno Sá is a BAFTA awarded natural history cameraman and photographer, specialized in marine life, and a regular contributor for major wildlife series on channels such as BBC, Netflix or Disney channel.
Nuno published six books and has had images on display, in some of the world’s largest natural history museums, such as the London Natural History Museum and the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, in Washington. Since then, Nuno has worked regularly as a camera operator or director of photography. He has been working for many of the biggest international television channels, such as BBC, National Geographic Channel and Netflix. In 2016 he was part of the underwater cinematographers’ team that produced the most iconic series about marine life, the BBC series – Blue Planet 2. Nuno has been awarded in 2018 with a BAFTA Award and a Panda Award for his work in this series. He was also a cameraman for James Cameron´s series "Ocean explorers", presently on Disney + and also worked on the new Netflix series "Our Oceans" (narrated by Barack Obama). When he is not traveling around the world Nuno also produces documentaries for Portuguese TV as a way to increase awareness regarding the sealife of his home country, Portugal.
The PRODUCT category is all about equipment and technology. It doesn't necessarily have to be the biggest, fastest or most expensive piece of equipment that makes life easier for divers. Maybe the clever trick is in the detail? Or in a new type of material that has never existed before? Or in the fact that a proven product can now be manufactured in a particularly environmentally friendly way using new technologies?
Like hardly any other watersport, diving is closely linked to the topic of travel. The DESTINATION category is therefore dedicated to tourist aspects. Divers set off all over the world to explore the wonders of the underwater world. In this category you can find destinations and tourist offers that are especially well adapted to divers. Destinations and regions as a whole as well as individual hotels, dive centers or liveaboards can apply.
In the CLIMATE section, everything revolves around projects and initiatives that are advancing in a special way toward climate protection and climate neutrality. For example, scientists, lobbyists and environmental organizations can be nominated - in short, anyone whose work or project is dedicated to the health of our oceans and the life in them. Because climate change is the greatest threat to oceans and waters.
Better Oceans
Project: Marine conservation meets water sports.
Not an organization. One platform. For marine conservationists, water sports enthusiasts, scientists. An unbeatable network in the fight for Better Oceans.
Better Oceans is a platform and network for everyone who loves the sea. In our online marine magazine and on Instagram, we report on the oceans, their inhabitants and the threats they face, open people's eyes with well-founded information and touch their senses with vivid images. Our database presents marine conservation organizations in informative profiles. Interested parties can find out more about their work and decide which ones they would like to support. Those involved in marine conservation benefit from the exchange among themselves and our contacts with the public media. In less than two years, 62 marine conservation actors have registered in our database and are using Better Oceans as a network and reach amplifier. As a partner of the UN Ocean Decade, Better Oceans is also in contact with 80 institutions from science, business and society.
YULEX® dive: Plant-based foam made from FSC-certified natural rubber
For around two years now, Scubapro has been manufacturing its high-quality Everflex suits from YULEX® Dive Material, a new plant-based foam made from natural rubber. And with its durability, exceptional flexibility and outstanding thermal performance, the material has also proven itself in long-term use. All Everflex YULEX® dive suits feature the Pure Design concept, which also ensures maximum elasticity, comfort and freedom of movement. The rubber material is coated on the inside and outside with polyester material made from recycled plastic bottles. Scubapro is thus taking a further step towards making the range more sustainable step-by-step in the interests of our environment and our oceans.
INNOVATION says a lot about the future viability of an industry. In this category, we celebrate people, companies, and initiatives that make a special contribution to the sustainability of the diving industry, its foundations and resources. Where are the concepts and projects that make the diving industry fit for the future? Where are the ideas that are shaping the world of tomorrow with a fresh wind and forward-looking energy?
The winner will be selected in three phases from all complete applications received by the end of the application phase:
Phase 1: Our qualified jury selects 3 nominees per category from all applications.
Phase 2: Everyone can support their favorite by casting their vote in the public voting.
Phase 3: The jury selects the winners of the boot dive awards powered by BAUER Kompressoren, the public vote counts as one vote!
What is the selection process?
In selecting the winning projects, our expert jury uses the following criteria:
1. Effectiveness The topic has the potential to have a clear and continuous impact in the sense of the respective category.
2. Participation As many people as possible are integrated into and/or participate in the project.
3. Networking The project motivates further actors and achieves the greatest possible impact.
Impressions from the award ceremony at boot Düsseldorf 2024
Overview of the jury members
The jury
The top-class expert jury of the boot dive award consists of the editors-in-chief of the diving media divemaster, TAUCHEN,, VDSTsporttaucher, WETNOTES and PLONGEZ!.
Alexander Kaßler, Editor in Chief TAUCHEN
Alexander Kaßler graduated from the Technical University of Munich with a degree in sports/media and communications science. After working in sports communications for Daimler AG and German sports television, he completed his traineeship as an editor at Olympia Verlag in Nuremberg. There he worked as an editor for the diving magazine "unterwasser" since 2005. In addition to various training and further education courses, including as a diving instructor and photographer, he took over as editor-in-chief of "unterwasser" in 2018. Since the merger of the two magazine titles "unterwasser" and "TAUCHEN" into Europe's largest commercial diving magazine "TAUCHEN" in 2020, he has presided over the title as responsible editor-in-chief.
Dietmar W. Fuchs, Editor in Chief VDSTsporttaucher
Dietmar W. Fuchs has been working as editor-in-chief for international diving magazines since September 1988. He is the founding editor-in-chief of the magazines "unterwasser" (Germany) and "Scuba Diving through the lens" (Singapore), as well as editor-in-chief and art director of "Edition Fifty Fathoms" (Switzerland), the only art magazine dedicated to underwater photography - for which he had the privilege of curating the first underwater photography exhibition at the United Nations Headquarters in New York in 2014 for "World Ocean Day".
In addition to studying communication science, Fuchs studied biology at Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich and immediately took home an Honorable Mention in the Rolex Award for his thesis on "Breeding the Maritime Fencer Snail." Somehow watches have stayed with him until today and he has become an expert on the history(s) of exclusive diving watches.
In the field of diving, Fuchs is only honorary editor-in-chief of the members' magazine of the Verband deutscher Sporttaucher e.v., The "VDSTsporttaucher" reaches a good 80,000 members in printed form by subscription, making it Europe's largest diving magazine, as well as co-editor-in-chief of the "divemaster".
In his former life, he worked for several years as a treasure diver in Puerto Rico and as a diving instructor and charter boat captain in the Windward Islands. In 1985, Fuchs founded "NAUI Germany" and spent the first years of Technical Diving alongside Bret Gilliam. Thanks to his friendship with Umberto Pelizzari, he brought the first apnea diving competitions to Germany in 1995, and just one year later, as team captain of the first German National Apnea Team, he won the bronze medal in the legendary AIDA World Cup. He also co-initiated the underwater, now SSI Dive Trophy. So no matter what topic he touches in diving, Fuchs knows pretty much what he is writing about or publishing.
Dr. Friedrich Naglschmid, Publisher and Editor in Chief divemaster
Dr. Friedrich Naglschmid, publisher and editor-in-chief of the trade magazine divemaster, has been connected to the world under water since his earliest youth. Even during his studies, Naglschmid, who is now a publisher, book author and editor of the diving magazine divemaster, was active as a journalist and campaigned actively for the protection of species and the environment. Since the 1970s, Naglschmid, who holds a doctorate in biology, has been committed to these goals on a voluntary basis, in addition to his professional activities in teaching and environmental education at the time. He was a co-founder of the Aktionsgemeinschaft Artenschutz and representative of the Cousteau petition in Germany, as well as a founding member of the Förderkreis Sporttauchen. From 1976 on, he was a member of the board of the German Scuba Divers Association, first as the first head of the department for research and environmental protection, then in 1986 as vice president and from 1996 to 2000 as president, shaping its development in the field of nature sports. Already in the 1980s he designed the first environmental guidelines for ecological and sustainable diving, "Manifestos against UW hunters, UW culture robbers, environmental destroyers and water polluters" and introduced the "Ten Golden Rules for Sport Divers". His motto to this day: "Dive like your shadow, leave no trace".
Nina Zschiesche, Editor in Chief WETNOTES
Nina Zschiesche, born in 1978, was already writing for the culture and theme pages of daily newspapers and magazines during her studies in philosophy and German language and literature. After a traineeship at the diving magazines "unterwasser" and "Sporttaucher," which were then based at the same publishing house, she worked for many years as an editor at "Sporttaucher. Since 2018, she has been editor-in-chief and part owner of the tech diving magazine WETNOTES. Diving is not only her professional passion, she also spends every free minute under water in her private life.
Armin Süss & Tina Gfrörer, Editors in Chief Taucher.Net
Armin Süss and Tina Gfrörer both have their origins in the IT industry. Since the end of the 90s, the passionate divers have been responsible for the development of Taucher.Net and developed the portal into the largest platform for diving in Europe. With a wide range of diving bases / safari ships experience database, equipment database including reviews, a highly frequented forum, buddy search, job exchange and other classified ads, as well as an online magazine and news section, the beginner to the experienced diver and all those interested in diving can find almost any desired information.
Dr Nicolas Barraqué, publication director of the French diving magazine PLONGEZ!
Nicolas Barraqué is publication director of the French diving magazine PLONGEZ! which he founded in 2015. At the age of 18, he volunteered to join the French Navy, which he left after 18 years of active service, including on the Dauphin and Emeraude submarines. His company, Turtle Prod, founded in 2000, has developed over the years into a leading publishing house for topics relating to the underwater world. Nicola's innovative spirit and keen sense of technical progress have guided him: from the development of CD-ROMS for virtual diving (2000) and the invention of a technique for taking panoramic underwater photos (2006) to the use of augmented reality (2013) and the production of 360-degree videos (2021), he has constantly explored new technical and creative boundaries. In 2015, he founded the diving magazine PLONGEZ!, which he has managed ever since. In addition to his entrepreneurial activities, Nicolas is also passionate about the conservation and protection of the marine environment. He founded the association ‘Déclic Bleu Méditerranée’ (2003) and the international marine world festival GALATHEA (2015). As an underwater photographer, Nicolas has participated in many exhibitions and received more than 100 national and international awards. For his extensive commitment to the underwater world, he was awarded the Golden Trident of the International Academy of Underwater Science and Technology in 2021. For the underwater world, the Golden Trident is the equivalent of the prestigious Fields Medal in mathematics. In 60 years, only 18 Frenchmen have received this honour, the most prestigious being Jacques-Yves Cousteau.
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