Unlimited boardsport action to watch and participate in, the latest trends and of course lots of fun - this is unique and can only be found in Hall 17 at boot Düsseldorf.
Improve your windsurfing and kitesurfing skills now or make your first attempts with the wing thing! In cooperation with the Association of German Watersport Schools, we show you how it's done in our Surf Academy on specially developed simulators. And once you've learned to steer with the wing, it's off to the basin. Driven by 82 wind machines, you learn how to tame the wind and convert it into propulsion.
Just start and stay with it!
You want to learn wingsurfing or want to know how to get into the footstraps while windsurfing? Then the Surf Academy is the right place for you! Intermediates in kitesurfing and windsurfing will be shown tricks to improve their skills. And brand new, the experts from VDWS teach you the first steps with the wing in your hand. First, you can relax on dry land, and when you have a taste for it, you will have the opportunity to put your new skills into practice on the water every day from 5 pm. Powered by 82 wind machines you will learn how to stand up and steer and experience what wingsurfing really feels like. In the kitesurfing simulator you can feel how the kite pulls you upwards when you jump and learn to keep your body tension. For the wind and wingsurf simulator there is also a wind machine, which allows you to learn the first steps on the board with sail or wing under real conditions and without any risk.
Gain your first experience with and on the board at boot 2024.
Workshops are held daily in the Surf Academy area. Register on site. The respective times can be found in the boot program - Surf Academy.