
blue innovation dock programme

The videos of the daily programme could be seen here

21.01.2023 /

11:15 - 11:40 am - Leaders Dialogue - Business meets Politics / Opening Session

21.01.2023 /

11:40- 11:50 am - Leaders Dialogue - Business meets Politics / Interview B. Hermann

21.01.2023 /

11:50- 13:00 am - Leaders Dialogue - business meets Politics /Getting to zero emission and strengthening #MadeInEurope

21.01.2023 /

14:00- 15:15 am - Leaders Dialogue - Business meets Politics /CEO Panel on the boating industry - Focus on nautical tourism

21.01.2023 /

Leaders Dialogue - Wirtschaft trifft Politik Nautical tourism in the global tourism landscape

With thanks to our sponsors

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